Thursday, November 13, 2008


Hi everyone, I hope you have been successful in building your blogs and reaping the benefits of weblog in your learning journey. Today I am going to introduce another ICT tool to you, that is Semantic Network. For illustration, please refer to the document entitled: "Coaching"

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Hello everyone, I am back after a good silence of 4 months. For the next few days, I am going to introduce many ICT tools to you to facilitate your teaching and reaching out to the Generation Y trainees. The first ICT tool is "New media in teaching pedagogy "

Please refer to the following URL link to get you started:

Friday, June 20, 2008

Session 5 Reflections

Today is the final day of the "Assessing and Improving the learning environment." My group was busy with the finalisation of the group project, i.e. the report of the Questionnaire.

Key take away on 3-2-1 Reflections:

3 key messages/ knowledge

2 ideas
1 question

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Session 4 Reflections

Déjà vu

Continue with the journey to understand "How to assess a learning environment?", today is filled with technical and hands on practicuum such as data entry, analysis with statistical tools/ instruments and report compilation based on the responses collected from the 2 questionnaires (one on actual perception and the other on preferred perception). These bring back alot of memories on my days in the University when I was bombarded with many statistics formula, calculation and interpretation such as means, standard deviation and reliability test.

The group project on the "SAF learners' perception of NIE learning environment" is appropriate for novice/ beginner to have a good flavour and understanding on how a researcher interprets and analyses his data to validate his hypothesis. With reliable and accurate data collection and process through both Quantitative and Qualitative analyses, it will enable the researcher to justify his hypothesis with strong and credible statistical evidence. This will in turn enable the study to be certified and recognised as a professional academic paper and study. To appreciate and have a deeper understanding of research methodologies, please refer to Gartner's Research Methodologies @

Further readings can also be made on the following references:

a. Creswell, J. (1998). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five traditions. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications.
b. Creswell, J. (2003). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications.
c. Guba, E. and Lincoln, Y. (1989). Fourth Generation Evaluation. Newbury Park, California: Sage Publications.
d. Patton, M.Q. (2002). Qualitative research & evaluation methods (3rd edition). Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Session 3 Reflections

1. By looking at one of Dr Quek's Master student's Naturalistic Inquiry Research on 3 Secondary Schools, I have a good grasp and appreciation on the interface and interaction between the School Learning Environment Inventory (SLEI) and Moo's 3 scheme, that is, Relationship, Personal development, System maintenance & system change. My reflections & thoughts are as follows:

a. To ensure the consistency & reliability of the study, the researcher had kept 2 parameters constant when he selected the schools for study. They were schools found in the neighbourhood and majority of the students came from HDB 1-3 rooms flat and with white-collared parents.

b. Looking at the report and analysis of the study, the Relationship and Personal Development dimensions reflected a positive and favourable climate in all the 3 schools. However, the researcher drew varied observations and analysis on the System Maintenance & system change from the 3 schools. Some of my own deductions are summarised in para 2. One pertinent improvement to the overall study would be to include the students and even their parents' perceptions and comments. This will enable the researcher to consolidate and present a more holistic perspectives of the school climates.

2. Structure drives behaviour (Systems Thinking) - Singapore is a fast-paced and result-oriented society. As human is the only natural resources in Singapore, most Singaporeans value education and pragmatism. Specifically, such culture and value systems has inevitably driven all stakeholders in the educational field (principals, teachers, students and parents) on the constant quest for achievements and glory. As the saying goes, life is a balancing act. Any venture or desire that is being pursued to the extremes will turn disaster. The constant quest for success, achievements and glory has no doubt enabled Singapore in achieving an Education Hub, as well as, gain recognition at the global level. However, as parents and stakeholders, we must be discerned to pull back and retreat before we fall into the bottom-less pit, just like Japan, China and Korea. Details on Peter Senge's Systems Thinking can be found in this URL:

3. Lastly, the demonstration and several useful websites and functions being introduced by James Peh have also enlightened me tremendously. I am all "fire" and ready to venture into the e-environment more readily now. Kudos to both Dr Quek and James. His recommendations are as follows:

a. - To create free WIKI websites
b. - To search for bloggers of interest
c. - Save its "Download helper" to download videos from U-tube
d. - To download Chinese entertainments such as movies and MTV videos

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Session 2 Reflections

Overall, I am very happy with the delivery and the knowledge/information being shared and discussed today. There are 3 key take-aways and they are:

1. Application :
a. I am amazed with the ease and simplicity in creating a blog, posting comments and linking like-minded friends to my blog. The intent of this course to encourage learners to create their own personal blog is commendable as blogs are used commonly for reflective writing such as travel logs and diaries. They can also be used to help learners reflect on concepts taught in class.

b. With this discovery and realisation, I can then create several interest groups to share and discuss issues to gain collective wisdom. One interesting group I can create is Coaching for Performance. I can link all my fellow coaches in the SAF to share our coaching experiences and journeys so as to learn from each other.

2. Knowledge - I am a big fan for history. I am always marvelled with the genesis and foundations of knowledge/ theories/ principles/ laws and events. Hence, the exploration and sharing of the various founders/ fathers of Learning Environment such as Walberg, Murray, Moos, Fraser and Lewin really intrigued my desire to understand learning environment better.

3. I would like to extend my appreciation and thanks to Dr Quek for her enthusiasm and passion in leading this group. To capture and retain our attention, she introduced and varied different MOIs to keep the class engaging and interesting. Also, she knows the trick/ way to capture our hearts, that is through food !! She pampered us with fruits, snacks and drinks, in addition to the usual F&B provided by NIE.

Session 1 Reflections

Hi Dr Quek, my reflections on session 1 are as follows:

1. This is cool, I have a personal blog !! I am one step closer to becoming Generation Y. I am also glad that I have a better grasp on the difference between blog, Web City, Blackboard and Forum.

2. I maintain my thoughts on building a good learning environment, they are

a. We need to start with the physical aspects. That is, to build a conducive environment, it must be able to cater to the needs and learning styles/ preferences of the learners. For Generation X, most of them prefer a quiet environment that is not distracting and noisy.

b. It must be engaging and stimulating. That is, the topic or knowledge to be transferred must of important purpose and objective to the overall learning outcomes. The trainer must be able to "tickle" the curiosity of the learners and then unravel their desire to learn. The sense of inclusion is important as it gives the importance and security to the learners.

c. The Method of Instructions (MOI) can either be didactic or non-didactic. Again, there is no right or wrong answers here. It all depends on the maturity of the learners. It also depends on the type of knowledge to be transferred from the trainer. For instance, for skills-based and technical knowledge, the trainer must be didactic as these knowledge normally forms the foundational levels of the learners' knowledge domain. For subjects that are of social sciences and abstract, it will be more beneficial for the trainer to encourage peer learning.